Course curriculum

    1. Please answer a few questions before you start

    2. How to be strategic with your social media marketing to see success

    1. An introduction to the course

    2. An introduction to the 9Cs framework

    3. Social media trends for 2022

    4. Apply your learning | Course workbook

    1. An introduction to Customers

    2. Customers | Lesson

    3. Customer | Top tips

    4. Customers | Apply your learning

    5. Glossary of terms for beginners

    1. An introduction to Content

    2. Content | Our unique 3R funnel framework

    3. Content | Our unique 3E framework

    4. Content | Top tips

    5. Content | Apply your learning

    6. Glossary of terms for beginners

    1. An introduction to Creativity

    2. Creativity | Podcast | A conversation with Head Of Development at BBC

    3. Creativity | Apply your learning

    1. An introduction to Consistency

    2. Consistency | Lesson

    3. Consistency | Top tips

    4. Consistency | Apply your learning

    5. Glossary of terms for beginners

About this course

  • Free
  • 54 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

In addition to the lesson and challenges you will also access the follow PDFs which are yours forever

  • Workbooks for each step to keep you on track and refer back to at any time

  • Audit worksheets to test your knowledge and learn as you go

  • Top tips and cheatsheets to support you at each step

  • Receive a certificate on completion of course

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